Many Many Events ensued
For 5 years from 1977 to 1982, the Suicide Club nooseletter rolled out every month and many events from mild to wild occurred. Go to the Events page for a complete list.
For 5 years from 1977 to 1982, the Suicide Club nooseletter rolled out every month and many events from mild to wild occurred. Go to the Events page for a complete list.
The Calaveras County Frog Jump was made famous by Mark Twain Judy Lee first proposed this event in May 78 in nooseletter #5 What ended up happening is that we entered one of our own (JW) as a contestant dressed in a frog suit. Meanwhile Flamo Le Grand (David Warren) wandered the grounds hawking fresh […]
John Law recalls: 16 people went on this climb. This was way too many. Dmitri said to me at one point: “Gee John. I almost passed out back there.” I reassured him & never got outside of arms reach all night. This was the largest group I ever lead on the GGB. Plenty of chills! […]
Aug 27, 1977 We ascended as a group of nearly 30 folks to a rooftop under a freeway bilboard, armed with materials required to modify the billboard. A group brainstorm resulted in a plan, and we created the modifications and applied them. We got arrested. “Free the Max Factor 26” !
Harkness Hospital was a former San Francisco hospital located in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, where many of us lived. We adopted it as a frequent destination for events such as dart gun games and climbing expeditions. Peter Field rappelling a wall, and Bob Campbell traversing between wings
John Law recalls: “Play Dead (Steve Mobia) Our first visit to the delectable Mountain View Cemetery in the Piedmont hills high above Oakland. We drove over to East Bay after applying white face and donning all black togs at Circus of the Soul. We parked in a wealthy, tree lined Piedmont neighborhood in our […]
John Law recalls: This event was in part (according to Gary) a welcome home to me upon my return from hitchhiking around the country (and Canada). This was the event where we had to threaten the guy (I forget his name) because he refused on principle to ditch his pot. We had to clandestinely park […]
Many Suicide Club events, particularly the physically dangerous and/or illegal variety were no alcohol, no drugs affairs. Even so, many members would imbibe on occasion. Kathy Hearty’s Summer of Love re-enactment was an event that actually encouraged participants to “get in the spirit” of the original period. Photographer Greg Mancuso caught the faux-hippies in […]