Category: Warren Memorial

A WAY TOO SHORT BIOGRAPHY: David T. Warren (aka: Flamo LaGrande, R. J. Mololopozy) lived a strange and unique life. After a tempestuous upbringing in the home of a prominent building contractor in Hayward, Dave left town with a traveling carnival. Here he learned the art of eating fire as well as various sideshow skills […]

Stories about David T Warren
The Most Beautiful Baby Dave asked me to play the “mother” of the baby for the most beautiful baby contest he wanted to enter. I borrowed a baby from a friend for the pre-contest physical checkup (probably just to confirm that there really was a baby!). I went down and filled out all the paperwork […]

R.I.P. David T. Warren – Memorial Service
Memorial Gathering On January 2, 2010 many old friends gathered to remember and honor David T. Warren, who passed away on this day in 2009. As a tribute to the man of many paradoxes, we had a memorial/celebration of his life. Perhaps you were there, or perhaps you wished you could have been there. Hopefully […]